There is no set age when a toddler is ready for potty training. The entire potty training process is subjective, such that even siblings may have been potty trained at different ages. Generally though, potty training readiness occurs when the toddler hits 18 months until three years old.
The Mayo Clinic explains that more than physiological preparedness, potty training also has something to do with the emotional readiness and maturity of a child. “Potty-training success hinges on physical and emotional readiness, not a specific age. Many kids show interest in potty training by age 2, but others might not be ready until age 2 1/2 or even older — and there’s no rush. If you start potty training too early, it might take longer to train your child.”
Wondering if your not-so-little-one is already showing signs that he/she can be potty trained? Here’s what you have to watch out for:
If these signs are already evident in your child then that indicates that you can explore potty training with them. On the other hand, if you have yet to observe the above-mentioned signs on your child then you might want to postpone potty training for the meantime, until you have observed more indicators.
You may also want to postpone potty training in the meantime if there is a transition that will take place such as the birth of a younger sibling, or if you are moving residences. These changes are stressful to the child, and they may not be able to respond well to yet another transition which is potty training. It is best to try and accomplish potty training before any big changes in their lives but not during or immediately afterwards.
But if there is no major transition that is taking place, and your toddler seems already prepared to take on potty training, then it is time to move on with this endeavor.
As a policy at our daycare, if the child is not asking to use the washroom regularly and is still using the washroom in their pull-ups, then they are not ready for underwear. We ask to keep up with the potty training using pull-ups until they are accident free for at least a week before switching to underwear. Unfortunately we do not have the time to be cleaning up messes nor can we expose the other children to unhygienic surroundings. Your child must remain in pull-ups until they are ready by demonstrating the above readiness signs. Please also review our policies which cover toilet training.